~My day~

ha,kali ni post aku psl besday aku...besday aku jatuh pada bulan ni la...(april) 12 april 19xx....heheheh....thn rahsia,teka la sdr ekkk...heheheheh...so ms besday aku ni lak jatuh pd ari senin....so weekend sblm besday,hubbyku bwk g kl g jjln...ktorg klo jln pe lg,jjcmla...(jalan2 cr mkn laa....) hehehehe....so kat cni aku uploadla beberapa gmbr jjcm kami...enjoy...

lunch kami,sblm tgk wyg...;)

future x-cop n the crepie...

our dinner...

our dessert...

my besday cake...

org kuat blkg tabir n besday gurl...

so...skrg dh kul 5....dh kne blk...jupe lg dipost yg akan dtg k...daaa...

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